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 20th & 21st September 2025


Allerton Park Horse Trials

Allerton Park Horse Trials will hold Intermediate, Novice and BE100 classes.

Our event has a reputation for being vibrant with a ‘big show ‘ atmosphere and friendly volunteers.

Come and compete on our exciting Cross Country courses designed by Ian Stark, through 250 acres of undulating parkland with scenic views, lakes and woodland.

Extremely easy access from the A1(M), with arenas and tracks all easily accessible from the central lorry park.


Come along and enjoy an exciting weekend of sport in our stunning North Yorkshire parkland with Allerton Castle in the background.


Take a walk in the countryside by the lakes with their swans and other wildlife. Bring a picnic, or have a relaxed snack at one of our catering facilities watching the show jumping, or the thrills and spills at the water jump.


Look round our tradestands and enjoy the atmosphere of the competition.


Our scenic venue is easily accessed from the A168, just south of Boroughbridge.


Allerton Park Horse Trials is a spectacular event, with all the excitement of sport in a stunning environment. A great opportunity to advertise your company to all our competitors and visitors.

In return for your sponsorship for our event you, your clients and colleagues can enjoy our generous hospitality in a most beautiful setting, with all the thrills of the ultimate equine sport to make  it a truly memorable occasion.

Do take a look at our range of sponsorship opportunities which we can tailor to your company’s requirements.


The event promises to be a great day out for all the family.


Spectators are well catered for with excellent views of the course, many trade stands including a licenced bar and refreshments.

I‘If you are interested in having a trade stand at the event please email to express your interest



Allerton Park Horse Trials are run by Lady Nell Mowbray and John Johnstone with their Committee and a team of over 200 other volunteers.

The event has been held annually for over 20 years becoming an important date within the British Eventing Calendar, attracting over 500 riders from the 4 higher levels of national Eventing and over 2,500 visitors.

The Park was originally part of the grounds of Allerton Castle which forms an impressive backdrop to the stunning lakeside venue


      Allerton Park Horse Trials

The Stables, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, HG5 0SE

Easily accessible from A1

Please note: the entrance to the Trials is via the A168 which runs alongside the A1M between junctions 47 and 48.

There is no access to the Trials via the A59 all traffic must use the A168 entrance.

Please contact us well in advance of the trials if you wish to volunteer at the above address, or by email  at

Anchor 1


Allerton Park Horse Trials Map

Weather permitting


Allerton Park Horse Trials have been held annually in September for over 25 years, and have become an important date in the British Eventing calendar, attracting about 500 riders from all over the country, and over 2,500 visitors each year.

The Park was originally part of the grounds of Allerton Castle which overlooks our stunning lakeside venue,  that extends over nearly 300 acres of undulating pasture, woodland and lakes.

The cross country tracks extend throughout the park and include fences from 2012 Olympics over undulating natural grassland.

Allerton Park Horse Trials are fully affiliated to British Eventing, our sport’s national governing body which provides guidance on management, Health & Safety, and technical advice.                                                                                                                                                         

The trials are run as a Limited Liability Partnership with all the net profit being used for improvement of the event facilities and competition tracks, and where possible donations are made to charities eg. Yorkshire Children’s Chairty.




Eventing is an all-round test of horsemanship. It is one of a very few sports that genuinely allow people to compete equally, whatever their experience. Men and women, amateurs and champions, young and experiences horses all compete fairly against each other, making it truly exciting for riders and spectators.

In the one-day format each rider/horse combination competes in Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country within a day, so you can see all the phases going on at once.


The Committee is most grateful to the Nell Lady Mowbray for hosting this event and for the many years the Horse Trials has been organised.. We thank our grazier Simon Armstrong who looks after the pasture so well and is exceptionally tolerant of our requests to move his sheep about, and generously loaning his machinery.

Allerton Park Horse Trials Committee are hugely grateful to our enormous band of volunteers who help throughout the year and over the event weekend, without whose help the event would not run.

Another group of generous contributors we wish to thank are our Sponsors, both those that provide financial backing and those whose valued contribution comes in the form of loaned vehicles or services.

Learn more in ‘Sponsorship’


Trials wouldn’t happen without volunteers.

An event of this scale takes many months of planning and over 150 people are involved in one way or another to make the event weekend happen. We are always interested in hearing from anyone who wants to get involved as a volunteer Full training will be given.

Learn more in ‘About us’

Eventful Life Video


Hazel Towers winning three IN 2019

Riding Frits Vd Tojop Hoeve (Aero). 

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